In Every Thing Give Thanks

Are you ready for another group writing project?  I thought with Thanksgiving coming up just next month, thankfulness would be a great topic for a group writing project.  I chose 1 Thessalonians 5:18 as our main verse, but any verse on thankfulness would work too.

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

How to Participate

Each blogger that wishes to participate will write  a post about the chosen group writing project topic on their blog.  Once the post is up, the blogger will need to leave their link in the comments section so that everyone can read it.

Once everyone has submitted their posts, I will publish  a round up of all the posts with links back to the blogger’s blog. The entire writing project will then be complied into a special report for the bloggers who contribute to giveaway for free on their own sites.  I will also be submitting the special report for download on the Kindle and Nook.  So if you don't want to appear in special report, please let me know in advance.

Your post can be as long or as short as you want.  It can be a personal testimony, a devotional, or Bible study in nature.  It can be a photo that you believe describes the verse.  Anything goes - though I have the right not to include any posts that do not include the chosen theme.

You will have until Friday, October 28, 2011 to write your post and leave a link to it in the comments section.

Oh yea, there is a prize for participating too.  Everyone that participates (those who actually write a post and submits the link) will be put into a drawing to win a free a copy of my report, Creating Christian Content.

I can’t wait to read everyone’s posts!