Review a Book for BookSneeze

I review for BookSneeze

Have you ever heard of Thomas Nelson?  It is a publisher of Christian books.  BookSneeze is a program offered by Thomas Nelson for bloggers to receive free books in exchange for an honest review.

The Pros and Cons

The only downside (a con) to this program is that you can only have one request open at a time.  Once you request a book you can not request another until you've:

  • Received the book, which can take a couple weeks;
  • Read the book in it's entirety;
  • Post your review (see below);
  • Submit your review links to; then
  • Wait for the reviews to be approved (which doesn't take long).

Other review sites allow you to have more than one book requested at a time; however most of them have deadlines for their books.   The books at BookSneeze don't have a specific tour date (a pro, in my opinion).   If a book review doesn't have a deadline, I try to get my review written within 30 days of receipt.   Be sure to read the BookSneeze Reviewer Guidelines for details.

What Must the Review Include?

200 Words - The review must be 200 words in length.  When I wrote my first review, I panicked.  I didn't think I could write 200 words.  If you have this same worry, I'm sure once your fingers start hitting the keyboard, you'll come up with 200 words in no time.  I've actually had to trim down a few of my reviews.

Compliance with the Federal Trade Commission - As with anything you receive as a review item, you must include in your review that you received the item from the publisher in exchange for your review.  I always state ' exchange for my honest review' in my posts, because I want to make sure my readers know that I don't change my opinion just to get a freebie or help promote the book.  I tell my honest opinion, and so should you! Many of the publishing siter have expressed their desire for an honest opinion of the book, so don't be afraid to write it.  However, be polite if you must write a negative review.

Where Do I Share My Review Once I've Written It?

As a reviewer, you must post the review on your own blog and on any consumer retail website.  The retail sites I share my reviews on include and

Join BookSneeze

As with all of the publishers and book reviewing companies I've shared, please see their website for full details and policies on becoming a book reviewer, before joining.   Once you've decided to join, visit BookSneeze to sign up for their blogger program.

Stay tuned for the next featured site to request books to read and review.  If you are interested in reviewing books at no cost to you, check out my previous post So, You Want to Review Books for the 5 steps.

Happy Reviewing!
