Meet Wendy - Featured Member


Y'all are such a joy to me. Every week when I put up these Featured Member's spot I am so thankful to meet such sweet new ladies. Isn't is precious to be Sister's in Christ and to know that we belong to the family of families?

This week we introduce Wendy from Faith's Firm Foundation. Make sure to visit her blog after you read all about her!

Faith’s Firm Foundation

Hi! Thank you so much for the honor of being featured on Faithful Bloggers this week.  I guess I’ll start out by telling you a little about myself. My name is Wendy. I’m a Homeschooling mom, wife to Jerry, mother of Dane, 23, and Kelsey, 20. We’ve homeschooled from “the beginning of time.”  I’m a newbie to blogging—only since March of 2009.  I love the opportunities it’s given me and the people I’ve met!  I’m so grateful for people like Kelly and Courtney at Faithful Bloggers and I share their vision to commit your blog to the Lord and use it for His glory and purposes.  I ask God every day to lead me as I write and to lead more and more people to Faith’s Firm Foundation, as He has been doing.

I grew up in a religious, but not Christian, home.  I professed belief in Christ, while still trying to be in the driver’s seat, until I “crashed” my life, so to speak. I asked Jesus Christ to come in and take control of my life and surrendered everything to Him at the age of 19. He has been my Savior and Lord, in the driver’s seat, these past 34 years. He has shown Himself faithful in my life as my Comforter and Guide, through His Spirit and the Word, as I’ve experienced the deaths of loved ones, a miscarriage and cancer.

Titus 2:3-5 is the goal of my blog: to be a “teacher of good things,” “to teach the young women to be sober” (sober = to have a sound mind, be disciplined and correct), “to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet” (discreet = safe/sound in mind, moderate as to opinion or passion/self-controlled), “chaste” (chaste = freedom from defilements or impurities), “keepers at home” (keepers at home = one who looks after domestic affairs with prudence and care), “good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed.”  I do this through writing on themes like showing Hospitality, Homeschooling and organization tips, and my own experiences, but also by connecting my readers with Godly people and great books through interviews, reviews and an aStore.

I am so blessed to be a stay-at-home mom--I love it—and want to help women by coming alongside as a friend and mentor, because God has blessed me so much through other women in my life. I love people and meeting new friends from all over the world which is one of the many blessings I’ve experienced through blogging. It is such a pleasure and honor to be featured today. Thank you so much!