God Knows

Do you notice that when you are having spiritual problems with the Lord, you have problems in other aspects of your life, including your blog?  I do.  If my heart is not right with God, nothing else in my life is right either.  My kids seem to be more argumentative and problematic.  I become unmotivated in my blog and online business.  Everything suffers.

I have found in my online business that I am not making money or living to my full potential unless I am doing God's will.  When I first started out blogging and started MomGiveaways.com, I was doing what I wanted to do and was making a decent monthly income from it.  But it wasn't God's will for me.  I became bored with it.  I never wanted to see another blog giveaway again.  So I sold the site.  The relief and goodness I felt was immediate.  I knew selling the site was God's way of getting me into His will.  I found a buyer immediately and got my asking price.  God was present through the entire process.

So what was God's will for my online business?  A faith based online business.  Almost every site I know own and operate is faith based.  My personal blog, Courtney Speaks, is about incorporating your faith in your business and blog.  Christian Mom PLR sells faith based private label rights content.  My mommy blog, A Mom Speaks, is about my life as a Christian mom.  And you know what?  I'm making more money now then I was with MomGiveaways.com.  I am more satisfied with my online business.

God knows what is best for us, including our blogs.  We just have to listen to what He is telling us and then do it.