Blogging A-Z: C for Colloraboration


Most people start a blog in order to be part of some sort of community.  The types of communities vary from person to person depending on the blogger's goals.  Many mom bloggers just want to connect with other moms so have some sort of adult connection.  Other mom bloggers want to review products and host giveaways.  Bloggers want to connect with other bloggers of a similar mind.  Collaborating with other bloggers help build that community. Just by participating in the group writing projects here at Faithful Bloggers is a form of collaborating with other  bloggers.  By joining the group writing project you help grow your blog, Faithful Bloggers, and the Christian blogging community.  It's a win-win situation for everyone.

Here are some ways you can collaborate with other bloggers in your online community:

  • Guest Posts
  • Cross promote blogs or products
  • Host a radio show or podcast together
  • Create a video together
  • Write a special report together
  • Start a group writing project
  • Plan and host a Twitter party

Working with other bloggers will only help your blog.  Just make sure that you don't neglect your in blog while helping others.  Keep in mind, in order to get the most out of collaborating you need to collaborate with bloggers in your same niche and community.

Have you collaborated with other bloggers?  How so?  Did you see a benefit from it?