Build Traffic, Be More Visible & Build Relationships With This One Strategy
/Blogging is hard work. It takes persistence, time, a will to not give up when the going gets tough. And of course as faith based bloggers - it also requires lots of prayer! Starting your blog is the easy part. Building a successful blog is the hard part.
A successful blog requires:
- Traffic
- Visibility
- Community/Relationships
While that list could be bigger, I believe these are three of the most important elements. But if you're not creating content on a regular basis all three of those areas are going to suffer.
I don't know about you, but my biggest struggle when it comes to blogging is...well blogging. At least blogging on a consistent basis ;-) And that's an issue. Without consistent, fresh content we'll lose traffic, visibility & our community may stop coming back if they regularly look for new content only to find none.
To prove my point, look at this snapshot of Faithful Bloggers statistics from January and February. I posted nothing in February and my stats took a nosedive.
January 2016 Traffic
February 2016 Traffic
Without consistent activity on your blog there's nothing for you to share. And as the two images above show, when you're not creating content and sharing it, your traffic suffers. Search engines love fresh content!
But what do you do when you've hit the dreaded writer's block and can't come up with anything to write about or you just don't have the time to write your own blog post?
Curate content!
I fell in love with the idea of curating content when I heard about it a couple years ago from Kelly (McCausey).
Content curation is a great content supplement to help ensure you're posting on a consistent basis. It's an easy way to quickly add a piece of content to your site. But don't make the mistake of just throwing up a curated post for the sake of having new content added. Instead, it's important to curate content that will benefit your audience.
What exactly is Content Curation?
Content curation is organizing and sharing content with your audience.
Yes, it's that simple! If you're interested in seeing an example of how I curated a piece of content, check out this post here.