Posting About Arts and Crafts to Celebrate Easter on Your Blog

Studio portrait of a young blond girl painting...

How will you celebrate Easter this year on your blog?

Yesterday, we discussed using your blog to creatively inform and educate your readers about the Biblical events of Christ's last week.

Today, consider using your blog to discuss Easter arts and crafts.

Easter is a perfect holiday for arts and crafts—either to do with the kids or to decorate your home.

Discuss Easter Arts and Crafts on Your Blog

  • Post your favorite ideas for fun projects to do with the kids: things to make, egg-dying activities, and so on. Think easy and inexpensive. These can be tried-and-true activities from your family or links to favorite posts you've discovered online.
  • Find good deals on arts and crafts supplies—either online or in retail stores—and post these for your readers.
  • Create themed project posts, assigning a different theme to each day: egg activities, baskets, outside decorations, and so on.
  • Choose several of the Christian symbols of Easter (cross, crown of thorns, palm branches, and so on). Post about projects involving these specific symbols. Encourage your readers to use their arts and crafts projects to tell the story of Easter (whether to children or visitors to their homes or church).

What kinds of Easter arts and crafts posts will you include in your blog this year?

Later this week, we'll discuss sharing Easter recipes and family traditions with your readers.


Celebrating Easter With Your Blog

Shadow of Jesus on cross

The Christian calendar presents a wonderful opportunity to share your faith with your readers.

I have found that—even though some of my readers may not be Christians—most of them celebrate Christian holidays in a "secular" manner. What a great opportunity to tell them more about the true meaning behind the holidays (while encouraging your Christian readers, too).

A highlight of the Christian calendar, Easter is April 4 this year. Make plans now to include special Easter-related posts during the days leading up to the observation of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

Scripture is so rich with details of the events surrounding Easter. Simply focusing on the Biblical account is a great way to inform and educate your readers.

Celebrate Easter on Your Blog by Re-telling the Bible Story

Use your blog to re-tell the events of Christ's last week by:

  • Planning posts for each day of the week, using Scripture references to outline Jesus' final days.
  • Using the different gospel accounts to compare/contrast details about Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.
  • Having a movie marathon. Post clips from the various accounts on your blog and tell the story through film.
  • Asking your pastor or Bible study teacher or another guest to write a post on the events of Holy Week.
  • Posting a Bible study, outlining the Old Testament Scriptures that foreshadow Christ's death and resurrection.
  • Researching and writing about the medical account of how Christ would have died by crucifixion (a terribly painful thing to read but also important at understanding the sacrifice of our Lord).

How will you incorporate Easter into your blog this year?

Tomorrow, we'll look at celebrating Easter on your blog with arts and crafts ideas. Later in the week, we'll discuss sharing Easter recipes and family traditions with your readers.
