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Blogging is an exciting, challenging world.  One can learn much from those who write about experiences.  You are also able to share and encourage and shine for Jesus in a way that has the capacity to reach people all over the world.  I don't know about you but I find that pretty exciting!

Something that might quickly come to your attention is the fact that there are bloggers who are more popular and those who are, well, not popular.  This is an unfortunate consequence of living in a sinful world.  The good news is that you do not have to be popular in order to spread the Good News!

We are called to be different.  As Christians we must reject worldliness and change our sinful desires to holy ones.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." -Romans 12:2

This should be reflected in blogging.  Our faith should be evident whether or not we are writing specifically about God's word or are just sharing stories of our lives.  Our blogs will be different because of this.

So what does this have to do with being popular? (Yes, there really is a correlation!)  Simply this: strive not to be in the popular crowd.  It may feel good to be a blogger who everyone wants to meet.  A blogger in which companies are scrambling to get your attention.  A blogger in which a crowd follows whenever you are at a blogging conference.

But in the end, that is not what matters.  Being a Christian blogger will probably put you in the category that will not get all of the attention.  And that is okay.  God says that we belong to Him.  Wow!  I don't know about you but that is all the reward I want.

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." -1 Peter 2:9

Photo credit: lusi

Think Before We Tweet

When I participated in the A Woman Inspired - Online Ministry Conference I learned much about social networking. I spend more time checking Facebook and Twitter now, perhaps too much time, but that's an issue for a different post.

What's been on my heart today is how quickly we expose ourselves with little "tweets" and "status updates". When we hit the keyboard we somehow seem to think we're just sitting talking with a few friends. I sensed the Lord saying "Don't you realize the world is watching? When your fingers type, your tongue speaks"

I felt led to dig into what the Word has to say about the "tongue":

"The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly." Proverbs 15:2 NIV

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21 NIV

"If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless." James 1:26 NIV

When we call ourselves Christians we are representing our Lord in all that we do and all that we say. Jesus has called us to be "in the world" but not like the world. We are different, marked by His seal and changed by His love. If in anger we type off a nasty remark, do we sound like Jesus? When we type words of fear, seeing the worst possible outcomes in our situations, do we sound like a people who have faith in a God who holds our future? Shouldn't we instead be typing light into the darkness?

I pray to be like the psalmist David, the one God called a man after His own heart, who wrote: "My tongue will speak of your righteousness and of your praises all day long." Psalm 35:28 NIV

May all of our words, (whether they be thought, spoken or typed) bring glory to the only One Who is worthy of glory and honour and praise. May our words offer salt to lives that have lost their flavour. May our words offer the hope of living water to a thirsty world. As people peek into the little snips we leave online, may they a see a clear reflection of the One Who calls us His own.


Today's post was by guest contributor, Karin.

Karin (HisFireFly) is a sold out disciple of Jesus Christ learning more each day what it means to abide in Him.   She desires to walk in radical obedience to His voice and prays that her life brings glory to The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

Karin and her beloved husband live in rural Manitoba with their dog Faith and various barn cats on 20 beautiful acres the Lord has provided for them.

Stop by for a visit at Flickers of a Faithful FireFly where Karin blogs about Jesus, love, prayer, and life in rural Canada.

Photo credit:

Using Your Blog for Good

Reasons for blogging are varied depending on who you ask. Some blog to help build their businesses, some for monetary gain, while still others blog just because they like to write. As Christians we are called to do good in all things – “Trust in the LORD and do good. . .” –Psalm 37:3a -  however I will specifically be talking about how we can benefit others through blogging. I will be covering for areas however there are many more ideas that are included in this scope. Do not limit yourselves but be creative on how your blog could be used to shine for Him. I encourage you to seek out His guidance through prayer and to discuss with your husband before you jump into anything. I bring this up because some avenues of serving through our blogs may be very involved. Do not over commit.

Speak out on a certain subject

Whether it be on food allergies, addictions, personal struggles, share with your readers and guests what you have learned. There are times when I have personally benefited from those who have taken the time to research and share on their blogs on certain topics. Two of my children have issues with food allergies. I do not personally have the time to weed through every bit of information out there yet I am able to pick up knowledge from those who have “been there, done that.”

This extends beyond health issues. If you are great at recovering a couch or chair why not make up a blog post tutorial replete with photos? Do you homeschool a child who has problems learning to read? Share in a blog series what has worked and has not worked for that child. What about cooking? Share recipes!

Other ideas might be:

Crafts (with fall and Christmas coming up, now is a good time to share those “how to” tutorials!) Baking Gardening Blogging tips For older women I cannot stress enough how much being a Titus 2 woman and sharing your wisdom with younger wives and mothers is a must. Blogging is a perfect avenue for this.

Get involved!

There are many lovely ministries set up today. One way you could help them out is by writing about them. You could become a Compassion blogger, or write a post about ministries that seek to serve. This must be done with careful and prayerful consideration. Search out the ministry fully before you advocate it on your blog.

Feature Others

Many of us remember what it was like to start up our blogs. There are many new bloggers out there who just do not know how to start. Showcasing them in a blog post would be a way to bless them and introduce them to new friends.

If you see a blog post that has touched your life be sure and share it in a link. I often see links to posts by “popular” bloggers but it would be wise to search out those who may not be considered “A-list” but still have words of wisdom that are just as beneficial. Cliques are rampant in blogland just as they are in real life. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find if you take the time to look outside the box.

Speak in Love

Lastly, always write in love. I know I seem to write this often on my posts for Faithful Bloggers but I feel it needs to be stressed. There are rampant instances of petty quarreling and hateful words thrown about by women bloggers. Remember who you are and to Whom you belong! We are called to shine, to be different. Doing good to others may be as simple as just being quiet and meek when others are yelling and shouting. People will notice and it will bring glory to Him.

Have any ideas on other ways to use your blog for His glory? Please share!

Photo credit: sraburton

I'm Thankful For Blogging

Thankful Thursday is a meme I have been participating in with my personal mom blog for sometime now.  It is a great way to give thanks to the Lord for the things He has done in your life, which is something we should always be doing. One thing I am very thankful for is blogging.  The fact that the Lord has seen fit to allow me the time and provided the tools to blog is amazing because there are so many of things I could be doing.  Having the opportunity the serve the Lord in this capacity just amazes me because it is something I love to do.

Another aspect of blogging I am thankful is the other Christian bloggers I have gotten to know.  The blogosphere has a great community of Christian woman and I am loving connecting with them.

Are you thankful for blogging?  What aspect of blogging are the most thankful for?

Thankful Thursday is hosted by Women Taking A Stand.

I'm Thankful For Blogging

thankfulthursdayThankful Thursday is a meme I have been participating in with my personal mom blog for sometime now.  It is a great way to give thanks to the Lord for the things He has done in your life, which is something we should always be doing. One thing I am very thankful for is blogging.  The fact that the Lord has seen fit to allow me the time and provided the tools to blog is amazing because there are so many of things I could be doing.  Having the opportunity the serve the Lord in this capacity just amazes me because it is something I love to do.

Another aspect of blogging I am thankful is the other Christian bloggers I have gotten to know.  The blogosphere has a great community of Christian woman and I am loving connecting with them.

Are you thankful for blogging?  What aspect of blogging are the most thankful for?

Thankful Thursday is hosted by Women Taking A Stand.