Are You Listening to Your Blog?

"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry" James 1:19 Having the ability to listen is a characteristic everyone should have as shown in James 1:19.  Not only do we need to be able to listen to what God is telling us, but we need to be able to listen to what others are telling us also.  Listening does not occur naturally but is a result of a conscious choice.  You may hear what is being said but do you listen to what is being said?

Do you listen to what being said on your blog?  I know this might sound like a stupid question.  Of course bloggers read the comments left on their blogs but do you take the time to really listen and connect with that person? Listening and connecting builds community.

So how can you listen to your blog?  Here are some ideas:

  1. Respond to comments.  Either by email or on your post, respond to the reader.  Let them know that you are indeed listening to what your readers have to say.
  2. Make yourself available to answer to questions any reader may have whether it be by a contact form, email, Twitter, or Skype.
  3. Find out what your readers want and need and then provide it.  If you readers are asking for a series of blog posts on certain subject, pray about it, and if you feel God is leading you to write it, write it.
  4. Pay attention to your stats.  Just because a post doesn’t get a lot of comments doesn’t mean it wasn’t popular or enjoyed by your readers.  Check your stats and see how the numbers compare with other posts that get a lot more comments.

By showing your readers that you are actually listening to them, they will become loyal readers and you will eventually begin to build a great community.  Of course this is something I still need to work on I am adding it to my blogging prayer list.

Blogging A-Z: B for Balance


When I first got serious about blogging something I always struggled with was balance between my blogging life and my real life - my faith, my family, my responsibilities as a wife, etc.  I'm sure many of you have struggled with this same thing a time or two.  Blogging can be additive and it's important to find that balance. Matthew 6:33 tell us, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." We must always put God first in our lives.

Do you forgo your morning Bible study in order to write a quick blog  post?  Or do you spend time you could be praying to tweet?  It's so easy to get caught up in all the blogging and social media things going on, but we have to always remember that we need to seek God's righteousness first.

Same thing applies to our families.  Their needs come before blogging and life on the Internet.  It's always seem to like be walking a tiprope, finding that perfect balance.  But really when you think about it - is blogging and social media really more important than God and your family?

Blogging Prayer Journal

Relaxed pretty young woman writing in journal ...

I have always been a firm believer in prayer. I have seen prayers answered. I've experienced answered prayers.  Praying to the Lord works.  James 5:16 tells us, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  According to Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words the word avail as used in James 5:16 means "to be of force, to be effective, capable of producing results".  Prayer is effective and produces results!

If we want our blogs to be effective and to produce results, then we need to pray for it!  I don't know about you, but I always forget about what I need to pray about.  I remember the big stuff, but not always the little things.  So I have a prayer journal to keep track of all of my prayer requests.  I have even recently started a business prayer journal to keep track of all my business prayer requests. So why not have one for your blog?

Here are some benefits of having a blogging Prayer Journal:

  • If you are praying for content ideas, list your ideas in your blogging prayer journal to pray about.  Not only will it help you to remember to pray, but it will also help you to remember what those ideas are and to listen for God's answer.
  • Makes it easier to see how God is working in your blog.  When a prayer get’s answered, I cross it off the list.
  • It will help you to focus on your blog.
  • If you are praying for God's will in your blog, then that is a sign that you are giving your blog over to the Lord for His use.

Can you think of any other benefits?  Do you have a blogging prayer journal?  If so, what kind of things to you pray about?

Don’t Be Someone Else

Yesterday while I was searching on Google for some Christian blog related topics I came across a post at Magnanimity about Safe & Secure Christian Blogging. It is a great post but one sentence stood out to me:

"Christian blogging is not a place to be someone else, or create an alter ego who is some fantasy person. It IS a place to continue to be real and honest."

Wow! How true is that statement? Romans 12:2 instructs us to be, "..not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

If we are trying to be someone we are not, we are conforming to "the world" and not God's will. God made us they way He wants us and that is what is important. He gave us each talents to use and if we are not being true to ourselves, we may never discover those talents. (Romans 12:6).

Besides it going against the will of God, why would you want to be someone else in blogging? Why wouldn't you want to be yourself? I'm not talking about using made-up names to keep your identity safe, but creating a persona that is not you. I've never done it, I've always been myself and pretty transparent, so I just don't understand the appeal. It seems like it would take a whole lot more work trying to be someone else then yourself online.

Discover Your Blog’s Purpose: To Educate

A red apple on a book of blue color.

Yesterday we discussed focusing your blog's purpose towards a ministry of encouragement.

Today, let's look at the purpose of education.

Maybe you've never thought yourself much of a teacher, but don't sell your blog short. Your readers can learn a lot from your insights and experiences. You can also create an atmosphere at your blog where your readers learn from each other.

Has God called you and your blog to a ministry of education?

Some ways that your blog can educate others:

  • Host Bible studies by making "assignments" from a Scripture selection. Discuss your thoughts and insights on the Scripture, then invite comments from your readers. Continue until you've studied an entire book of the Bible.
  • Host book studies and discussions. Choose a favorite book (either Christian or non-Christian) and post discussion questions. Engage in conversation about the book's objectives and themes. If the book is not a Christian book, ask your readers to make contrasts and comparisons to Christianity, find Christian symbolism, and so on.
  • Explore church history with your readers.
  • Write about today's culture from a Christian worldview. Tackle tough topics (politics, entertainment, money, etc.), offering ways to navigate today's world while living biblically.
  • Offer your readers a steady stream of your favorite Christian websites. These can be in your particular area of interest (sermons, homeschooling, devotions, etc.) or from multiple topics. Do some research and give your readers suggested sites that will teach them something new.

How does your blog educate others?


Discover Your Blog's Purpose: To Encourage

Closeup portrait of hands showing thumbs up sign

Maybe you've been blogging for a few months now and are bored.

Or stuck. Or distracted.

You'd like your blog to be something more, except you can't quite put your finger on exactly what that is.

I want to challenge you to intentionally seek to define your blog's purpose.

As a Christian who blogs, your primary purpose should be to glorify God (as is our primary purpose for all that we do).

But exactly how can your blog glorify God?

This week, we'll highlight three specific missions for your writing that are unique to blogs by Christians.

You may want to devote a specific day each week for each "purpose" with targeted posts or simply keep them as an underlying standard for everything you write.

Writing with a purpose in mind keeps your writing focused and effective.

Today we'll look at the gift of encouragement.

Has God called you and your blog to a ministry of encouragement?

Some ways that your blog can encourage others:

  • Sharing your trials and triumphs of experiences that are common to your readers
  • Writing about ways God has blessed you, revealed an answer to you, and/or answered your prayers
  • Emphasizing the significance of otherwise "mundane" tasks and events
  • Posting your favorite Scripture verses and what they mean to you
  • Highlighting experiences of women from Christian and church history

How does your blog encourage others? What types of posts encourage those who need to be lifted up? In what areas do you see today's Christian woman needing the most encouragement? How can your writing help?

Niche Blogging

A girl using a laptop in a field.

Blissdom "10 is over, and I"ve come home with some great tips and ideas for my blog. One of those is discovering my niche.

I"m sure you"re familiar with what a niche is: a special area of passionate interest where your particular voice is effective.

I"d like to think that the Apostle Paul would have loved niche blogging! He tells us in 1 Corinthians 12 that God gives everyone separate and distinct callings and gifts. Why should blog topics be any different? The Bible outlines the beneficial necessity of the diversity of gifts among the Church body.

Defining your niche not only allows you to "stand out from the crowd;" it increases your effectiveness as a communicator. Blogging in an online casino area of a God-given strength glorifies God.

The Nester offered a helpful set of self-searching questions to discover your niche. Thought-provoking and relevant, they should help you hone in on where your God may be directing your blog. (I"ve edited them a bit, but most are from the Nester and the Blissdom "10 session, "Niche Blogging: Experts Talk About Blogging Your Passions and Expertise.")

Find Your Blog"s Niche

  1. Which posts make you nervous when you hit the publish button? (this may be your niche)
  2. Which posts feel like work or drudgery? (this is not your niche)
  3. Which posts have received the most comments?
  4. Which posts have received the most comments that are meaningful to you?
  5. What are your top favorite posts?
  6. What are your readers" favorite posts?
  7. If you could write anything, what would it be?
  8. If you chose a certain niche, could you commit to it long-term? (you don"t want to get bored a few months in)
  9. What do you search for online?
  10. What do you talk about when you"re not writing?

Does your blog have a niche? What do you think of these questions? How can niche blogging make you a more effective blogger for the Kingdom of God?


Are You Blogging the Bible?

holyCreative Commons License photo credit: khrawlings Are you a Christian blogger that is blogging the Bible? You may be asking what exactly does “blogging the Bible” mean, so let me explain. As Christians we are instructed to show the love of Jesus to others in John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” and to teach others about Christ as noted in Matt 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” Blogging is a great way to show people Christ's love. You don't even have to blog about your faith or post biblical devotions to do so either.

It is estimated that 346,000,000 (source*) people read blogs. Of course a number of blog readers are Christians. I imagine a large portion of those blog readers are not Christians and have never even heard about the love of Jesus. That is a lot of people we can be witnessing to. You never know who may be reading your blog so it is imperative that you write about your faith and the Bible in a way that even non-Christians will be able to understand and see the love you have for Christ.

Of course incorporating Bible verses in your blog is a great and easy way to show the love of Christ. After all the Word is God according to John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” You could even add a Verse of the Day widget your sidebar. But what if you don't have a blog in which you can easily add scripture into where the topic is not faith related?

Having a loving attitude towards others is another way we can show the love of Christ on our blogs. Do you help a reader or fellow blogger when the need arises? Jesus is known for helping others. He is the ultimate good Samaritan. Do you live hurtful or hateful comments on other blogs? Leaving rude or hateful comments is not following the commandment given to us in John 13:34, to love one another. How you deal with people goes along way in showing the Jesus' love for others and this applies in the blogging world too.

Another way to tell you readers about Christ is to use personal examples in your posts. If you are writing about the power of prayer include a story in which you asked for something in prayer and then how you saw the Lord answer your prayer one way or another. Showing how God has worked in your life is a great testimony for others to to see and hear. Maybe even consider creating a video instead of writing a blog post. A lot of times our words can be misunderstood and at times Christian principals can best be explained by speaking. When quoting scripture also consider the Bible version you are using. Some Bible versions explain a verse more clearly than others. Just remember not to choose a Bible version that changes the meaning of the verse.

No matter how you write your posts or interact with your blog readers just remember that you are representing the King of Kings, your Lord and Savior. Pray before you write and always write the truth and you can't go wrong.

Is Your Blog "Established?"


"And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands." -Psalm 90:17

Recently this verse especially spoke to me while I was reading God's word. You see, I have a problem called tryingtodoitonmyownitis. Perhaps you can relate? I see something that looks interesting and I start making plans and lists and goals. I set my sights on achieving my goal and away I go. As I am going on my merry way I usually stumble and fall. Picking my bruised self up I attempt to try again. As always I fall again and soon I am complaining about why everything is going wrong.

When this happens it is usually because I have forgotten something: my attempts and goals and dreams must be established by God. Going at it on my own will never be a successful venture. He created my life, and He ordains it and sustains it. Everything is guided through His hands and I can either willingly follow or muddle up my journey with human attempts.

Now since this is a web site dedicated to blogging I will speak specifically about that. However this is a godly concept that needs to be applied to all of life so keep that in mind. And just for a little background we'll go ahead and look up in Noah Webster's handy-dandy 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language just what "establish" means.

"Set; fixed firmly; founded; ordained; enacted; ratified; confirmed."

Do you remember the podcast with Sarah Mae? She touched upon in an eloquent way how our blogs need to be given over to Him. And what she said was plain truth. If you have not dedicated your blog, your words, your posts and pictures to Him what are you truly trying to accomplish?

We must give our everything, including our blogs, over to Him. He will direct you where to go with your blog. Read His word daily and make sure you are writing according to how He would have you write. Pray about it. Pray about it some more.  Ask our heavenly Father if your blog is accomplishing what He wants it to accomplish. Talk to Him. Give your blog over and say "Here it is, Father! You can have it! Show me what to do."

I would go so far as to say that each and every time you write a post you need to pray that God will give order and foundation to what you are about to write. (And yes, I am doing that with this post. Promise!)

In the end, this is all for His glory.

Photo credits: djweitzner

Not Popular


Blogging is an exciting, challenging world.  One can learn much from those who write about experiences.  You are also able to share and encourage and shine for Jesus in a way that has the capacity to reach people all over the world.  I don't know about you but I find that pretty exciting!

Something that might quickly come to your attention is the fact that there are bloggers who are more popular and those who are, well, not popular.  This is an unfortunate consequence of living in a sinful world.  The good news is that you do not have to be popular in order to spread the Good News!

We are called to be different.  As Christians we must reject worldliness and change our sinful desires to holy ones.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." -Romans 12:2

This should be reflected in blogging.  Our faith should be evident whether or not we are writing specifically about God's word or are just sharing stories of our lives.  Our blogs will be different because of this.

So what does this have to do with being popular? (Yes, there really is a correlation!)  Simply this: strive not to be in the popular crowd.  It may feel good to be a blogger who everyone wants to meet.  A blogger in which companies are scrambling to get your attention.  A blogger in which a crowd follows whenever you are at a blogging conference.

But in the end, that is not what matters.  Being a Christian blogger will probably put you in the category that will not get all of the attention.  And that is okay.  God says that we belong to Him.  Wow!  I don't know about you but that is all the reward I want.

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." -1 Peter 2:9

Photo credit: lusi

God is a God of Order

When Kelly and I interviewed Debbie Pendell she made a statement that has really stuck with me.  God is a God of order.  1 Corinthians 14:40 tell us "Let all things be done decently and in order."  The phrase here I think is "all things."  Not just our homes, not just our Bible study time, not just our prayer time, not just our homeschooling times, but at all times in all situations. And of course, we should keep order in our blogs too. How can we stay organized and keep things in order on our blog?  Here are some tips that I think might help.

  1. Create a blogging schedule - In Open Office Writer I created a very simple document with 7 columns, one for each day of the week.  I then created a row for each of my blogs.  I then printed out several copies of the table I had made.  Each week I fill in the blanks for each day according to each blog about what I will post about that day.  By doing this I know what I am going to be writing about and I don't send all of my time brainstorming a topic the day of.  Of course, things happen and inspiration may strike and throw you off your schedule very once and while, but that is ok.
  2. Clean up your sidebar - Does having a ton of buttons or ads on your site make your blog look cluttered and orderly?  If it is important for you to support your bloggy friends by displaying their buttons and/or badges try creating a friend page and listing the buttons there instead of your sidebar.  If you only have one sidebar and it is becoming too cluttered, try changing to a theme with 2 sidebars.  The less cluttered your sidebar looks the more professional it will look and easier to read and navigate.
  3. Keep your plugins and Wordpress installation up-to-date - Obviously this does not apply to those who are using Blogger, but if you are using the Wordpress blogging platform, make sure you keep up-to-date on plugin updates and Wordpress installation updates.  Not updating Wordpress or a plugin can create security problems and eventually lead to larger problems.
  4. If you review products and/or host giveaways create a spreadsheet - Creating a spreadsheet to keep track of product reviews and giveaways will help save you time.  It will help you to stay on top of the things that need to be done and remind you to pick giveaway winners when needed.  Product reviews can spiral out of control quickly so it is important to create a system to keep up with them all before you even get started.

How about you?  Do you have any tips on how to keep your blog organized and in order?

Remember Proverbs 16:3 tell us, "Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established."

Faithful Bloggers Podcast #1

Kelly and I are ecstatic to announce the start of a new weekly feature here at Faithful Bloggers - a podcast!  We have great things in store for the podcast including some great interviews with other Christian bloggers and online entrepreneurs.  This first podcast is just Kelly and I letting you all know a little more about ourselves, why we started Faithful Bloggers, and what we have in store for the site. This is Kelly and mine's first time to ever do a podcast and it is evident in our first try but it was  lot of fun to do and we are looking forward to doing more.

Do you have a podcast on your site?  We would love a link and any suggestions and/or tips you my have.

Using Your Blog for Good

Reasons for blogging are varied depending on who you ask. Some blog to help build their businesses, some for monetary gain, while still others blog just because they like to write. As Christians we are called to do good in all things – “Trust in the LORD and do good. . .” –Psalm 37:3a -  however I will specifically be talking about how we can benefit others through blogging. I will be covering for areas however there are many more ideas that are included in this scope. Do not limit yourselves but be creative on how your blog could be used to shine for Him. I encourage you to seek out His guidance through prayer and to discuss with your husband before you jump into anything. I bring this up because some avenues of serving through our blogs may be very involved. Do not over commit.

Speak out on a certain subject

Whether it be on food allergies, addictions, personal struggles, share with your readers and guests what you have learned. There are times when I have personally benefited from those who have taken the time to research and share on their blogs on certain topics. Two of my children have issues with food allergies. I do not personally have the time to weed through every bit of information out there yet I am able to pick up knowledge from those who have “been there, done that.”

This extends beyond health issues. If you are great at recovering a couch or chair why not make up a blog post tutorial replete with photos? Do you homeschool a child who has problems learning to read? Share in a blog series what has worked and has not worked for that child. What about cooking? Share recipes!

Other ideas might be:

Crafts (with fall and Christmas coming up, now is a good time to share those “how to” tutorials!) Baking Gardening Blogging tips For older women I cannot stress enough how much being a Titus 2 woman and sharing your wisdom with younger wives and mothers is a must. Blogging is a perfect avenue for this.

Get involved!

There are many lovely ministries set up today. One way you could help them out is by writing about them. You could become a Compassion blogger, or write a post about ministries that seek to serve. This must be done with careful and prayerful consideration. Search out the ministry fully before you advocate it on your blog.

Feature Others

Many of us remember what it was like to start up our blogs. There are many new bloggers out there who just do not know how to start. Showcasing them in a blog post would be a way to bless them and introduce them to new friends.

If you see a blog post that has touched your life be sure and share it in a link. I often see links to posts by “popular” bloggers but it would be wise to search out those who may not be considered “A-list” but still have words of wisdom that are just as beneficial. Cliques are rampant in blogland just as they are in real life. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find if you take the time to look outside the box.

Speak in Love

Lastly, always write in love. I know I seem to write this often on my posts for Faithful Bloggers but I feel it needs to be stressed. There are rampant instances of petty quarreling and hateful words thrown about by women bloggers. Remember who you are and to Whom you belong! We are called to shine, to be different. Doing good to others may be as simple as just being quiet and meek when others are yelling and shouting. People will notice and it will bring glory to Him.

Have any ideas on other ways to use your blog for His glory? Please share!

Photo credit: sraburton

10 Ways To Pray For Your Blog

praying handsI am a firm believer in the power of prayer.  I keep a prayer journal and write everything I can think of to pray about in it.  It is so exciting to be able to cross an item off my prayer list because the Lord has answered it!  Prayer is one of the most important aspects of my relationship with the Lord.  I don't have any worries in my life because I pray and hand everything over to the Lord.  It is a very refreshing and thrilling feeling to know that my life is in the Lord's hand and that His will will be done. I also incorporate this same philosophy with  blogging.  I don't worry about my blog.  I don't get upset if I don't get the traffic I want or the opportunity I was hoping for.  I don't get caught up in the blog drama that constantly seems to be happening.  I pray for my blog.  I pray for my blog readers.  And praying makes all the difference in the world.

Here are 10 ways you can pray for your blog:

  1. Posts and articles you write. Praying before you sit down to write a post or article can make the whole process go a lot faster.  If you feel you are being led by the Lord to write on a certain topic, the words just seem to come together naturally.  Just a quick prayer asking the Lord to give you the words needed is all it takes to make the writing process much more enjoyable and easier.
  2. How you react and respond to comments. It is inevitable that you will get some rude and hurtful comments at some point in your blogging life.  Unfortunately not everyone understands where we as Christians are coming from and can feel threatened for no reason.  People sometimes leave rude and unjustified comments just because the can.  Whatever the reason for the undesired comment, take a moment in prayer before responding and acting upon the comment.  I response made in the heat of the moment maybe all it takes to destroy our testimony.
  3. Advertisement or sponsorship. Before accepting any paid advertisements or sponsorships take some time to pray about it first.  By accepting their advertisement on your site you are referring your readers to them.  Make sure any advertiser you agree to sell ad space to holds the same values as you do.  Sure the money you can make is great, but does the ad or product align with your faith?  Would you be putting your testimony on the line by accepting the advertisement or sponsorship?
  4. Product reviews and/or giveaways.  This could actually fall into the advertisement or sponsorship category.  If you are going to include product review and/or giveaways on your blog, pray before accepting the review offer.  Pray as your write the review and host the giveaway.  See if there is a way to incorporate the product or giveaway with your faith.  Most of all be honest and up front about any review or giveaway you do.
  5. Your blog readers. Not only do I pray for more readers, but I pray daily that the readers I do have will find my posts helpful.  Readers are one of the main reasons we blog.  We want to be able to communicate with the world and blogging is one way of doing that.  Without the readers where would blogging be?
  6. Other bloggers. We should encourage other bloggers even if it results in them becoming a better blogger than yourself. Praying for bloggers is one of the best ways to encourage them.
  7. God's will for your blog. You may have a lot of plans for your blog, but if it isn't God's will then it probably won't happen.  Praying that God's will be done will bring our wills under His.
  8. Partnerships. Before starting a partnership with another blogger pray about it.  Does the other blogger have the same faith and values as you do?  Kelly and I met on Twitter and were instant friends.  When we started discussions about starting this site together, I know we both spent time in prayer about it.  Of course over time and talking to each other over Skype and Twitter, it turns out we have a lot more in common than just our faith and love for blogging.
  9. Ebooks, Special Reports, etc. Pray about any product or service you plan to offer to others. In the past I have started projects without praying and it was such a struggle to get everything going. The projects I have prayed about and felt the Lord leading me to do have been much more successful. I pray every step of the way from conception of the idea, to implementation, to any writings I must to do, to asking price, and marketing efforts.
  10. Affiliate Programs. Affiliate programs are great ways to try to make some money on your blog.  Before you start actively promoting an affiliate product pray to make sure the product is a good fit for your blog.

Do you pray for your blog?  Are there any other aspect of blogging we should be praying about?

5 Ways to Share Your Faith

Have you ever sat down to your desk, pulled up the screen to write a blog post, and wondered “How can I share my faith through my blog?” Many of us have a sincere desire to write about the love our Father has for us and to inspire others towards seeking Him. How can we effectively do that?

Here are a few ways that may help you share your faith.

Holy Bible
  • Your Testimony – This is sure to kickoff lots of emotion. Your retelling of your personal testimony will produce a passionate post that will touch the hearts of your readers. Real stories always make for the best blog posts and how much better when those stories are all about how God came into your life.
  • Changes God has made in you – Similar to sharing your testimony, giving your readers a look at how you have changed in your Christian walk will show them that you are more than a person behind a computer screen. I have often been able to relate to other blog owners when they open up and are transparent. People like to know that others have the same struggles. They desire to see that they can be changed as well.
  • Devotion ideas - Have any ideas on how to use wisely that quiet time with God? Do you have that personal time at night, in the morning, or while the children are napping? What changes have you made to your time of Bible study and prayer that have allowed for more consistency? We all can learn from our Christian brothers and sisters and for those who have a hard time making devotional time a priority, this may give them the extra boost they need!
  • Favorite Bible verses – What is your favorite Bible verse? Which particular Scripture has given you comfort when you need it? Perhaps a verse that you and your family are memorizing at the moment would be timely for someone else.
  • Where you are stumbling? – Are you struggling and falling in any area? Share it! One of my most popular posts was about where I fall short as a mother. My readers could relate in my shortcomings and I got lots of comments about the fact that they had the same problems. At the same time, my visitors shared ways in which to overcome particular things and I was able to use those ideas. Being transparent, when used wisely, is uncomfortable but may yield eternal benefits.

How have you shared your faith on your blog?

Photo courtesy: ba1969

I Won't Water Down My Faith

I love watching Christian music videos on YouTube.  I find myself doing it on my iphone when the kids are playing at the park or we are stuck in traffic.  Watching the videos help to keep my mind focused and not lingering on ungodly things.  I personally am a big fan of southern gospel music.  I guess that comes from growing up in Texas in a Baptist church. :) So the other day when I was watching videos on YouTube I stumbled upon the song For Future Generations by 4Him.  I haven't heard this song in a long time!  I think the last time was at a concert I went to in Maryland where 4Him was performing about 3 years ago.

So you might be asking, What does this have to do with blogging? Well, I'm getting there. If you pay attention to the lyrics there is a line that goes like this:

So I wont bend and I wont break I wont water down my faith I wont compromise in a world of desperation What has been I cannot change But for tomorrow and today I must be a light for future generations

It can be so easy to "water down" our faith on our blogs.  We might not want to offend anyone or to turn away readers.  But by watering down our faith are we truly giving God the glory He deserves?  Psalms 115:1 tells us, "Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, [and] for thy truth's sake." (King James Version)  It is God we are to give glory to, not ourselves, and we do this for mercy and truth.  Don't our readers deserve the truth?

Do you "water down" your faith on your blog?  I would love to hear your comments and suggestions on how not to "water down" your faith.

I Won't Water Down My Faith

I love watching Christian music videos on YouTube.  I find myself doing it on my iphone when the kids are playing at the park or we are stuck in traffic.  Watching the videos help to keep my mind focused and not lingering on ungodly things.  I personally am a big fan of southern gospel music.  I guess that comes from growing up in Texas in a Baptist church. :) So the other day when I was watching videos on YouTube I stumbled upon the song For Future Generations by 4Him.  I haven't heard this song in a long time!  I think the last time was at a concert I went to in Maryland where 4Him was performing about 3 years ago.

So you might be asking, What does this have to do with blogging? Well, I'm getting there. If you pay attention to the lyrics there is a line that goes like this:

So I wont bend and I wont break I wont water down my faith I wont compromise in a world of desperation What has been I cannot change But for tomorrow and today I must be a light for future generations

It can be so easy to "water down" our faith on our blogs.  We might not want to offend anyone or to turn away readers.  But by watering down our faith are we truly giving God the glory He deserves?  Psalms 115:1 tells us, "Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, [and] for thy truth's sake." (King James Version)  It is God we are to give glory to, not ourselves, and we do this for mercy and truth.  Don't our readers deserve the truth?

Do you "water down" your faith on your blog?  I would love to hear your comments and suggestions on how not to "water down" your faith.

Using Your Posts for God's Glory


Let's face it, becoming a Christian is not an easy path to choose.  The Bible itself says: “Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:14 NKJV As Christians, we are called to be set apart, to be holy.  It only goes to follow that what we say, or write, is an extension of our lives and therefore must be holy as well.  In view of this, there are a few important questions to ask yourself while you blog.

Before You Hit Send

  • Do your words accurately represent the One whom you serve? Because we belong to our Savior our words are essentially not our own.  They should be indicative of our King.  I am not saying that each and every word should be a Bible verse – though it would be wonderful to repeat His precious words to your readers.  What I am saying is that our words should be “laced with grace.”  No vile or foul words should appear in our posts.  “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth. . .” Ephesians 4:29.

  • Are you writing in haste?When we get passionate about something we feel strongly about it is very easy to write a post and hit send before we stop and think.  If the post you are writing is controversial, it may be wise to walk away for an hour or two and come back to it for review before you hit that “publish” button.  Perhaps your spouse or a trusted friend could read it before you post it for your readers.
  • Can your words be misconstrued?

One obvious negative aspect to the online world is that words cannot express our body language and tone of voice.  While you may write with one view in mind, a reader could easily interpret it to mean something else.  Look at your post from all angles and make sure that you have done your best to avoid confusion.

  • When you respond to a reader, are you using a loving tone?Questions and comments from those who seem to be rude are a fact of life in blogging.  Our replies do not have to be in like turn.  Instead of firing off an answer telling that person just what you think, temper your reply with a level head and loving words.  Turning the other cheek plays an important role.

In the end, let us make sure that our words are pleasing to our Heavenly Father.  As children of the King, we want to represent Him to a watching world.


Photo courtesy of: zizzy0104

Using Your Posts for God's Glory


Let's face it, becoming a Christian is not an easy path to choose.  The Bible itself says: “Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:14 NKJV As Christians, we are called to be set apart, to be holy.  It only goes to follow that what we say, or write, is an extension of our lives and therefore must be holy as well.  In view of this, there are a few important questions to ask yourself while you blog.

Before You Hit Send

  • Do your words accurately represent the One whom you serve? Because we belong to our Savior our words are essentially not our own.  They should be indicative of our King.  I am not saying that each and every word should be a Bible verse – though it would be wonderful to repeat His precious words to your readers.  What I am saying is that our words should be “laced with grace.”  No vile or foul words should appear in our posts.  “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth. . .” Ephesians 4:29.

  • Are you writing in haste?When we get passionate about something we feel strongly about it is very easy to write a post and hit send before we stop and think.  If the post you are writing is controversial, it may be wise to walk away for an hour or two and come back to it for review before you hit that “publish” button.  Perhaps your spouse or a trusted friend could read it before you post it for your readers.
  • Can your words be misconstrued?

One obvious negative aspect to the online world is that words cannot express our body language and tone of voice.  While you may write with one view in mind, a reader could easily interpret it to mean something else.  Look at your post from all angles and make sure that you have done your best to avoid confusion.

  • When you respond to a reader, are you using a loving tone?Questions and comments from those who seem to be rude are a fact of life in blogging.  Our replies do not have to be in like turn.  Instead of firing off an answer telling that person just what you think, temper your reply with a level head and loving words.  Turning the other cheek plays an important role.

In the end, let us make sure that our words are pleasing to our Heavenly Father.  As children of the King, we want to represent Him to a watching world.


Photo courtesy of: zizzy0104