Peripheral Perceptions

Peripheral Perceptions records the observations of my life from different corners of my personality. In these mind wandering, I write about my faith in Jesus, kids, grandkids, dogs, cats, work, passions, friendships and relationships of all kinds. Mainly, it’s a trip through my inner thought processes. Sometimes a very dark place, other times full of rainbows and butterflies. If you wander in to read my mind, please leave the door wide open on your way out.

Submitted by:  Lisa Fischer

The Grace Bond

The moment I chose Jesus in my life at 16 years old was the same moment I chose open adoption for my birth daughter. In the years following, He has continued to guide our open adoption story (He writes the best stories!) and my life story. This is my journey of embracing God's grace and all He is teaching me.

Submitted by: Leah Outten

Shelly's Sojourn

Shelly’s Sojourn is a humble platform exploring and documenting relationship with Christ (the mountains, valleys and prairies in-between) through faith and the Word of God. Relatable experiences are captured and told in the form of articles, short bible studies and poetry.


A Quote To Encourage You:

Psalm 46:10

Shelly's Sojourn submitted by R Hull.